Yes, No, Maybe So: Maybe so
Stars: 3.5
Age group: Grades 5 and up
Was this the best historical fiction book ever? No. Was it the worst? No. It really doesn't stand out much. It was your everyday, typical, unrealistic, girly historical fiction book. I only recommend reading it if you're actually interested in the Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, which it is loosely centered on. Our hero, Minette/Minnie Bonner is a maid for a wealthy San Franciscan family when the earthquake strikes. All of the members are dead, and she is the only survivor. The family's lawyer mistakes her for the wealthy family's daughter, and she has to decide whether her morals or her future wealth is more important. Bla Bla Bla. Lots of empty, boring pages. Come on Judy Blumell! You can do better!